Friday, August 27, 2010

what's for BUKA?

OK. i know that many of us just DON"T want to cook for buka. even if you want to, sometimes you don't know what to cook. in the end you, i and the rest of us choose to eat out or tapau. however, some of us, sometimes, just got bored with all the eat-outs and tapaus. so we cook. simple, fast and most important of all..YUMMYLICIOUS.

here's the menu for breakfasting today..

1.beef soup with soft tofu and enoki mushroom
2.sambal stir-fried soft tofu
3.pumpkin dessert(refer to my previous post)

la boisson?
my all-time favorite drink..C2 green tea apple and forest fruits flavors. Gulp!

i'll post the recipes for the beef soup and sambal stir-fried tofu later.
off to the kitchen!

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