Thursday, July 15, 2010

monkeys.. and the chance of getting bananas

In the deep jungle of Hatred, there lived a bunch of monkeys. having no leader(they have superiority complex), the monkeys live in vague trust and obvious greed, determined to outdo each other at any chance of getting bananas. so one fine of the younger monkeys decided to challenge the older monkeys for some big, juicy bananas. the older monkeys laughed histerically at the silly thought of the young monkey. "you don't even know how to climb the tree,"said one old monkey. "you can't even bite hard enough into the fruit," said another.

all hurt and angered, the young monkey turned and walked away from the old crowd, only to devise a revenge plan.

to be continued


it's been centuries since i last updated this i'm giving it a new visage..

more food, recipes...and definitely more pieces of my mind!